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Keeping women in the workplace with the Talented Ladies Club Keeping women in the workplace with the Talented Ladies Club

Keeping women in the workplace with the Talented Ladies Club

It’s so fantastic when you get the chance to bust open the menopause taboo with other women. Menopoised Founder Jo, recently met up with Hannah Martin, Founder of the Talented Ladies Club to do just that.

The Talented Ladies Club is a female-led organisation which brilliantly exists to help reignite the potential of mothers wanting to resume their career. It’s a great network for training, inspiration and community.

It’s born out of similar frustrations to Menopoised. That something was missing from women’s lives at a time when they needed it most. It can be really tough trying to return to the same career after having a child, the demands of both don’t always marry up.

Similarly, with menopause, it can be near impossible for women to carry on with their career as the issues they experience just don’t tally with the demands of work. If women aren’t supported returning to work after kids or to stay in work during menopause then a rich, pool of talent can go by the wayside. What a loss.

In our video chat you’ll find out how, Jo accidentally landed a job in money trading, why it was a tough job for a woman, and how easy it was to lose millions (as Jo sometimes did)! And how there has been a running theme throughout Jo’s career has been a passion for standing up for women.

Jo also reveals why divorce has been the making of her, why giving up drinking has given her back so much freedom, why she’s learned that blaming others robs of opportunities to learn and grow, and how you can tell someone is pregnant through their pulse. (Yes, really!)

Jo shares her journey to becoming an acupuncturist, and how treating women with cancer – who were plunged into an immediate chemical menopause – inspired her to use magnets on acupuncture points to help with hot flushes.


It was important to Jo that her solution was proven, so she ran a small trial to determine the efficacy rate of the Menopoised Menopause Magnet. The trial found that 80% of women benefited from a reduction in intensity and/or frequency of their hot flushes and night sweats. (The results were analysed by Sussex Innovation Centre.)


Watch our video chat HERE.


About Jo Darling MBAcC Lic Acu

Jo is a Brighton-based Acupuncturist with a Bachelor of Science degree in Acupuncture from the University of Greenwich. Her training includes western medicine pathology, physiology and anatomy. She is also a member of the British Acupuncture Council.

Jo is passionate about women’s health. She has helped 100’s of women live healthier, happier lives. She has spent over 10 years practicing acupuncture, traditional Chinese medicine, reflexology and Chinese herbs.

As well as fertility, pregnancy and natural menopause Jo specialises in the treatment of breast cancer patients particularly those thrown into early menopause by chemotherapy. This work inspired Menopoised.

For more information about her work visit her website.

About Menopoised

We understand the challenges of menopause because we are menopausal. That’s why we created Menopoised. The Menopoised Menopause Magnet is a first of their kind, acupuncture inspired, safe, effective and side-effect free. Our products have been created to support a broad spectrum of issues, designed to help guide women through a positive menopause.

How Can Help You?

If you’re suffering with hot flushes and night sweats, we can help. When we trialled our heroine product, the Menopoised Menopause Magnet, over 80% of our participants experienced a reduction in the intensity and frequency of their hot flushes and night sweats within a week of use. Read about our research here.

Stay in Touch

If you’d like to join the Menopoised conversation and be first to hear about Menopoised news, offers and selfcare tips to manage your menopause naturally - sign up here.

About Talented Ladies Club

Talented Ladies Club is a female-led organisation on a mission to unlock the professional and personal potential of mothers through practical, inspirational articles, high quality online training and social community. Find out more here.

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